G20 Discussion Must Focus On Green Energy Transition

JAKARTA - Indonesia as the host or as the G20 Presidency this year, needs to achieve more concrete results in accelerating the transition to green energy, including in Indonesia.

"This is where the strategic role of the G20 as a collection of countries with the world's largest economic power, where the G20 agreement will have an impact on the joints of life at the global level, including the issue of energy transition," said the National Coordinator of Publish What You Pay (PWYP) and Co-Chair of C20 Indonesia (official G20 partner of civil society organizations) Aryanto Nugroho told Antara in Jakarta, Saturday 29 January.

According to him, the direction of the global energy transition policy will be influenced by the G20 Forum. For this reason, he also emphasized Indonesia's role in this matter.

Especially for the Indonesian government, Aryanto stated that the targets that had been set could actually be accelerated.

"In the context of the Government's Net Zero Emission Scenario in 2060, it should be accelerated in 2050," he said.

Previously, Member of the National Energy Council (DEN) Herman Darnel Ibrahim asked the government to be humble when presenting the issue of energy transition in the G20 Presidency forum.

"I think it's a bit low profile for us at the G20 about our energy, convey our problems," he said in a monitored discussion in Jakarta, Thursday (27/1).

He said that the government should be honest about the need for coal in the economy. According to him, Indonesia has similarities with India and China, which expressly need coal.

Indonesia's coal commodity has two functions, namely to produce electricity that is safe and cheap even though it is dirty, and coal is part of the economy.

He further requested that the government not convey new promises in the G20 Presidency forum, because it could reduce the trust of countries in the world towards Indonesia.