IFI Serpong Officially Opened At Pradita University

JAKARTA - Pradita University together with the Pradita Indonesia Education Foundation, as well as the French Embassy in Indonesia and the Institut Francais d'Indonesie inaugurated IFI Serpong.

The presence of IFI Serpong is a form of collaboration between Pradita University and the Institut Francais d'Indonesie (IFI), which is part of the educational and cultural collaboration under the French Embassy in Indonesia, in the fields of education and culture, as an effort to realize the vision of Pradita University with a global perspective and enhance international cooperation.

The inauguration of IFI Serpong which took place at the Pradita University Auditorium was attended by Olivier Chambard as the French Ambassador to Indonesia, Stephane Dovert as Director of IFI, Adrianto P. Adhi as President Director of PT Summarecon Agung Tbk, Soegianto Nagaria as Director of PT Summarecon Agung Tbk, Herman Nagaria as Chairman of the Pradita Indonesia Education Foundation and Prof. Dr. Ir. Richardus Eko Indrajit as Chancellor of Pradita University.

The presence of IFI Serpong is expected to be able to answer the needs of the people of Tangerang and its surroundings who are curious and interested in getting to know France more closely through language classes and cultural events. Not only that, information about the potential for continuing studies in France can also be obtained at IFI Serpong.

The French Embassy fully supports this cooperation and considers this cooperation to be the beginning that can strengthen bilateral cooperation between the two countries.

"This collaboration with Pradita University is a good start in strengthening bilateral cooperation between Indonesia and France in the field of education, through IFI Serpong," said Olivier Chambard, French Ambassador to Indonesia.

Institut Francais d'Indonesie as a direct partner

Pradita University in implementing IFI Serpong also emphasized that this is the first time such cooperation has been carried out, namely with Pradita University.

"Pradita University is the only university in Indonesia that organizes collaboration holistically, namely in all areas of IFI cooperation, namely; education, universities, science and technology, culture and the last is the language implemented in IFI Serpong. My hope, this collaboration can run smoothly, and even develop in a wider direction," said Stephane Dovert, Director of IFI.

Meanwhile, the Pradita Indonesia Education Foundation as the university manager hopes that with this collaboration, Pradita University can become a magnet for the wider community.

"IFI, which is an institution under the French government, is believed to be able to add its own value to Pradita University and of course the wider community in the western part of Jakarta and Tangerang. We want Pradita University to have a distinctive character in the cooperation it does. Later, IFI Serpong will become a place for exchange. the culture of the two countries, which of course further enriches the features found on this campus, so that Pradita University can become a magnet for the community," explained Herman Nagaria, Chair of the Pradita Indonesia Education Foundation.

This collaboration is equally beneficial for the academic community of Pradita University itself. IFI Serpong is believed to be able to open academic opportunities for lecturers and students.

"From its establishment until now, Pradita University, which is still very young, namely four years old, has never stopped looking for and exploring cooperation with many parties. The presence of IFI Serpong is expected to bridge and open opportunities for the academic community in finding opportunities for further study. , research, joint programs and other academic activities with universities in France," added Prof. Dr. Ir. Richardus Eko Indrajit, Chancellor of Pradita University.

Pradita University, which is a business unit of PT Summarecon Agung Tbk, through the Pradita Indonesia Education Foundation, warmly welcomes this international collaboration.

"Collaboration with domestic and foreign partners is indeed a value that we emphasized when Summarecon formed Pradita University. This collaboration between Pradita University and IFI is expected to be able to realize the vision that was initiated from the start, namely to become an Enterprise University with a global perspective," said Adrianto P. Adhi, President Director of PT Summarecon Agung Tbk.

The IFI Serpong branch is an affiliated branch of the Central IFI. IFI Serpong provides educational standards ranging from curriculum, teachers to exams which are the same as other IFIs spread throughout Indonesia. Various French classes will be presented such as:

1. DELF-oriented General French Class (KBPU) (Diplôme d'études en langue française), which is an official diploma issued by the International Center for Pedagogical Studies, a certification body under the Ministry of National Education of the French Republic. KBPU study time is 60 hours/session with program levels from A1 to B2.

2. Thematic French Class (KBPT) which consists of the following class choices:

a. For Travel b. For Culinary Artsc. For the world of work