How To Connect A Printer To A Windows 10 Based Computer Or Laptop
How to connect printer to windows 10 (RTINGS)

YOGYAKARTA - If you just bought a printer and want to connect it to Windows 10, it's very easy. But, if you are still confused about it, you can follow the tutorial below this article.

There are several ways that you can do to connect the printer to a laptop or Windows 10-based computer. You can use a wireless connection, or with a cable to connect the printer. The time it takes is very fast.

By using a printer connected to a Windows 10-based computer or laptop, you can print a variety of documents. The VOI team has prepared a tutorial on how to connect a printer to a Windows 10-based computer or laptop.

Connecting the Printer via WiFi or Ethernet cable

How to connect the printer to a computer or laptop based on Windows 10 using a wireless connection is the most ideal option. You only need to know the IP address of the previously installed printer.

To connect a Windows 10 device, you can enter the Settings menu > Devices > Printer & Scaner, a pop-up will appear "The printer that I want isn't listed" > Add a printer or scanner, then in the pop-up that appears, select "Add a printer using a TCP/IP address or hostname"

Then a pop-up will appear again, select "TCP/IP" in the "Device type" dropdown menu, then type IP Address in the "Hostname or IP address" column and give a name in the "Port name" column.

Click "Next" and Windows 10 will detect the printer you want to use, then you can eat it.

Connecting Printer Via USB Cable

When you buy a printer, you will usually get a USB cable package that you can use to connect the printer to a computer or laptop. The steps are as follows.

Turn on the printer Connect the USB cable to a Windows 10-based computer or laptop. Open Settings on a Windows 10 device Select device settings Select "Add a printer or scanner"

Usually, Windows 10 will automatically detect the driver of the printer you are using and add it to the list of ready-to-use printers. Therefore, if your Windows 10-based computer or laptop has already been connected, then you don't need to set it up again.

However, if your Windows 10 has never been connected to a printer or it doesn't detect the printer driver automatically, select "The printer that I want isn't listed", in the pop-up box that appears. Then select one of the options below.

“My printer is a little older. Help me find it” “Select a shared printer by name” “Add a printer using a TCP/IP address or hostname” “Add a Bluetooth, wireless or network discoverable printer” “Add a local printer or network printer with manual settings”

That's the procedure for connecting a printer using a computer or laptop based on Windows 10. You can choose one way between using a wireless network, or using a USB cable.

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