Dogecoin Killer, Shiba Inu Cryptocurrency Price Skyrocket
Shiba Inu cryptocurrency skyrocket (Shib Informer)

JAKARTA – This Shiba Inu (SHIB) cryptocurrency has the title of Dogecoin killer (DOGE) or "Dogecoin Killer". Shiba Inu is already listing on the crypto trading platform, Binance.

SHIB ranks among the top 20 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization, as CoinMarketCap reported.

The Shiba Inu coin appeared in response to the Dogecoin hype. Unabashedly, after two days of listings on Binanance, SHIB skyrocketed to its highest price with an increase of up to 966 percent.

The percentage increase is coupled with the increase since the beginning of 2021 to 2,300,000 percent. Ahead of SHIB's listing on Binance, Dogecoin's killer cryptocurrency instantly doubled in just 2 hours.

Through the official SHIB website, it reveals that about 50 percent of its token supply has been locked and cannot be withdrawn to Uniswap to provide liquidity.

In addition, as much as 50 percent of SHIB has also been sent to the creator of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin. It is intended to be a condition of "burning". However, Butern still has full access to the token.

Currently Buterin is rumored to have Shiba Inu cryptocurrency in wallets amounting to more than 15 billion US dollars. This amount is more than the Ethereum cryptocurrency it owns which is worth 1.3 billion US dollars.

For information, Buterin often receives the cryptocurrency transfer voluntarily. The donation is not only from SHIB but also from other Dogecoin copycat cryptocurrencies.

Binance has included SHIB coins in its cryptocurrency sales list on May 10. Nevertheless, SHIB's dominant ownership is recorded in wallets number 1, 2, and 3. All three own Shiba Inu by 50.5 percent, 7.0 percent, and lastly 3.0 percent.

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