JAKARTA - Shigeo Tokuda is a legend in the Japanese hot film industry. Even though it is quite taboo, the progress of this actor who started his career at the age of 61 cannot be taken lightly. Tokuda has played in more than 400 blue films. More than that, Tokuda is a fantasy hero to lonely Japanese seniors. And with a demographic dominated by the elderly, Tokuda is gold.

Tokuda was recorded in the Guinness World Record as the world's oldest porn star. At that point, Tokuda did not stop his career. Not even retired. “Grandpa Sugiono,” so Indonesians know the figure who was born in Tokyo on August 18, 1934.

Tokuda's popularity in the Japanese porn industry stems from an accident. Tokuda was originally just someone who often bought blue film DVD tapes. Incidentally, when he wanted to buy, the DVD that Tokuda was looking for could not be found. Finally, Tokuda looked directly for the DVD he was looking for in the blue film production office.

Launching The Globe and Mail, slowly the intensity of his visits to find blue films to the production office increased. The more often Tokuda came, the clearer his golden potential was. One time, the head of the summer film production house offered Tokuda to play in the film he was working on. He joked that Tokuda's face was "perverted" enough to play an elderly man.

"They said, 'You will fit in with the film we worked on because you have a perverted face. You match the type of film we make,'" Tokuda said, laughing at the memory of the incident.

Tokuda had refused. Slowly, due to frequent offers, Tokuda melted away. Moreover, the head of the production house promised to write a special scenario. Since then, Tokuda has made a full career in the Japanese hot film industry.

Even so, Tokuda made his profession as a blue film actor as a side job. As a day, Tokuda still works at a Tokyo travel agency, while occasionally becoming a tour guide.

Tokuda as gold

Slowly, Tokuda's career took off. From a small role, then taste the big role. Tokuda began to feel at home as an actor. Correspondingly, he began to take full-time options. Tokuda's payment continues to increase. The latest information compiled, Tokuda can receive a fee of 400-500 dollars or the equivalent of Rp. 5-7 million per day.

In acting, Tokuda often takes on adult roles. He is usually plotted opposite roles with younger ones. Whether in the story of parents-in-law, elderly-nurse, boss-subordinate, and so on.

Capture the screen of one of the scenes that Tokuda plays (Source: Special)

"Most of the older men who watched. Maybe some single women who are a little older," said Tokuda trying to explain his popularity. "Certainly, they want to have a relationship with a character that is their age, to feel the same satisfaction."

Tokuda's popularity is also supported by the sale of older pornography which reportedly doubled over the past decade. It is noted that the parental genre gains between 20 and 30 percent of the total Japanese pornography industry. This amount means up to 20 billion dollars per year.

Another factor for its popularity, said Tokuda, is a symptom of Japanese society which is dominated by an old population. And often these elderly people grow old in solitude. Therefore, the blue film market with the parent genre is both popular and big.

"Men are getting older, but they still like younger women," added Tokuda.

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Hide profession from family
Grandpa Sugiono on YouTube Daisuke Botak (Instagram / @ daisukebotak)

Tokuda's profession as a hot film actor was unknown to his family for quite a long time. According to Tokuda, his family doesn't even know what the retired travel agent is doing. The only thing his family understands is that Tokuda goes to work in the morning in full in his favorite blazer. But no one knows what his job is.

However, as the saying goes: the carcass can be cleverly covered, it smells well. Tokuda too. As smart as he could be, Tokuda kept his profession as a blue film actor, finally his family found out. The incident was only discovered by his family when Tokuda was 74 years old or when he had a 13 year career in the porn film industry.

His daughter began to recognize him as an actor by accident. At that time, Tokuda's daughter in Tokyo received a fax containing the script for the film to be played. In the script, it is clear what the role of his father in the film, entitled Elderly Care Vol. 20.

"The whole story is there. So it's clear what kind of film it is," said the father of two.

Perhaps Tokuda's daughter was surprised to see a script containing her father's role. However, his wife had a different response. Tokuda's wife tends not to care about Tokuda's unusual profession.

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"My wife allowed me to do whatever I wanted after I retired. She was just worried about my health and told me not to work too hard," Tokuda said.

"As far as I know, there is no jealousy. But last year when I was having a drink with my wife in Asakusa (Tokyo), someone came up to me and asked for an autograph. She was shocked, but that didn't lead to an argument. She understood it was work. and he trusted me, "he added.

Not only that, his job as a hot film actor made Tokuda always excited about his old days. Even though he has repeatedly expressed his wish to retire. Tokuda, at least until today, has not been able to stay away from Japan's hot film industry. Tokuda thinks the industry is his world. What's more, the rest of his last life is dedicated to the hot Japanese film industry.

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