The Oldest Star In The Universe Is Successfully Worship The James Webb Telescope
Galaxy Imageor (Photo: Doc. NASA & ESA)

JAKARTA - The James Webb Space Telescope has reportedly seen the oldest cluster of stars ever seen easily.

It was found from a scientific analysis of Telskop Webb's First Deep Field image, the researchers say the clumps of millions of stars are likely among the first and oldest stars in the universe.

The image contains thousands of twinkling galaxies. Dubbed a galaxyluble because it is surrounded by red dots or sparkling spots which of them look like very old ball clusters.

"JWST was built to find the first stars and the first galaxies and to help us understand the origins of complexity in the universe, such as the chemical elements and the ingredients that make life", said one researcher, Lamiya Mawla from the University of Toronto, quoted from Slashgear, Sunday, October 2.

"The discovery at First Deep Field Webb has provided a detailed display in the early phase of star formation, confirming the extraordinary power of JWST", he said.

The ball cluster is an ancient set of stars that originated in the childhood of the galaxy, so it can contain clues about the early stages of formation, growth, and evolution of the galaxy.

Seeing the 12 compact objects surrounding the Galaxy badminton, the CAnadian NIRISS Unbiased Cluster Survey (CANUCS) team found five of them indeed ball clusters.

Additionally, these could be some of the oldest visible ball clusters, possibly from a time when the universe first started giving birth to stars.

The findings published in the Astrophysical Journal reveal the galaxy is 9 billion light-years away.

The groups were so old that they were born as soon as possible because they actually formed stars.

Until now, the objects around the Galaxy are difficult to see in real terms.

But the increased sensitivity of the billion-dollar telescope means they can be seen close enough to understand what it is, and how old they are.

In addition, the Webb Telescope has a very sensitive instrument, aided by the fact that it is in outer space, so it is not disturbed by water vapor in Earth's atmosphere or the heat of the planet.

This allows him to see even a very dim source of infrared light.

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