Alice Fiction Officially Released Globally, Here's How To Reroll And List The Best Character Tiers In The Game
Alice Fiction rilis global (foto: Alice Fiction) 

JAKARTA - The mobile game Alice Fiction from developer Wonder Planet Inc. has finally been officially released globally on Wednesday, July 27th.

Even though the game has just been released, it seems that the enthusiasm of the players can no longer be contained.

Alice Fiction is an RPG that will take you to a metaverse called ALICE. The game combines metaverse, puzzles, with high-speed combat.

If you're a newbie looking to give Alice Fiction a try, you'll definitely need to figure out how to reroll and which character to pick.

How to Reroll in Alice Fiction

Luckily, rerolling in Alice Fiction is very easy. You can perform the following steps to do this.

Close the game. Launch the game again. Tap the Menu icon (three horizontal lines) in the upper right corner of the splash screen. Select "Clear Player Data"

Easy. That way you can skip the whole process required to uninstall and reinstall the game from scratch, this will also save you time.

Tier List Alice Fiction

In Alice Fiction, you will only see three tiers. The three tiers are Tier S, Tier A, and Tier B.

The following tier list is based on the rarity level provided by the developer. Please note that the list may vary.

Tier S (The most powerful character)

Lancelot, Asclepius, Hippocrates Musashi

Tier A (They are also strong characters, but not as strong overall as Tier S)

Achilles, Antoinette, Cleopatra, Hannibal, Kojiro, Nightingale, Perseus, Pygmalion, Salieri, Viviane, Wang

Tier B (Characters considered "above average", more often supportive and watching from behind)

Andersen, Andromeda, Benkei, Drake Galen, Gilles, Neu, Wayland.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by