Want A Cooler WhatsApp Display? These Are Tips For Changing The Font Type Easily, Anti-Complicated
How to Easily Change WhatsApp Fonts to Make Fonts Look Cooler! (Review Bukalapak)

YOGYAKARTA - There are many features that users of the WhatsApp instant messaging application can use to make their chat activities more comfortable, one of which is changing the font type to make it look more up-to-date.

If you want to change the font on WhatsApp, the method is very easy and can be done using additional applications. However, the features on the WhatsApp platform can only be used to make letters bold, italic, strike out, and block characters.

Meanwhile, to change the type of font you use for sending text messages, users can download 3rd party applications available on the Play Store.

You can also download applications such as TextArt, Stylist Text, iFont, Better Font and so on, to be able to use various types of text such as those in Microsoft Word.

Each third-party application has a different number of font variations, but in general they are the same type as the fonts in Microsoft Word.

If you want to use one of the additional applications on the Play Store to make your WhatsApp text more varied, users can follow the steps that the VOI team has compiled below.

How to Change WhatsApp Fonts Using 3rd Party Apps

To change the type of font you use on the WhatApp platform, the first step you can do is download one of the font customization provider applications such as TexArt and others.

Users can download it on the Google Play Store, and click download and install the application on your smartphone device. After that, open the application and type certain text in the column provided, then select the type of font you want to use.

Next, set the font color, background color, outline color, and other settings available in the application that you download and you can use.

The last step is to click Save the font you have selected in the additional application, and Share or share via the WhatsApp icon.

That way, these fonts will be available on your WhatsApp platform and can be used when you want to send text messages via chat on your account.

In general, the use of additional font customization applications from third parties has almost the same way of use. The difference is usually in the naming of the menu used.

Users can also take the steps as above to change the font type that you use on WhatsApp using additional applications from third parties.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)