YOGYAKARTA - As technology continues to develop, many people are buying and selling goods at online stores or e-Commerce. This makes product photos posted in online stores an important element to attract buyers.

Attractive product photos will make people interested in buying and selling transactions in the marketplace. Therefore, product photos have an important role for online stores selling their products.

Not only providing information to potential buyers, a good photo can make buyers interested to see it, to buy the goods being sold.

Unfortunately, not everyone understands what to include in their product photos. In addition, most people also think that making good product photos requires an expensive camera.

In fact, you can make great product photos using a cellphone. By following these tips, you can create attractive product photos to display on your marketplace or online store.

Tips for Making Good Product Photos Using HP

If you want to have great product photos in your online store, the VOI team has prepared tips that can be used to make your products more attractive.

Pay attention to the lighting

Lighting is an important element in photography. Therefore, when photographing a product, you must ensure that there is sufficient light at the point of the photo, so that the object can be clearly defined.

You can adjust the lighting to produce an interesting image, because the composition of the light will affect the color of the object being photographed.

There are two sources of lighting, namely natural or natural light and additional light or artificial light. To create interesting compositions you don't always have to use additional light. You can use natural light, such as by a window or on your patio.

Angle (Photo Angle)

The right angle or photo angle will make the photo more interesting. The same product but photographed from a different angle will have a different appeal.

To sharpen your sensitivity in taking shooting angles, you can look at product photos on social media or shots taken by professional photographers. The angle of the photos can be an inspiration, so you produce good photos.


In addition to the photo-taking process, the next element that must be considered is the editing process. You can make edits using a photo editing application on a computer or a mobile application.

By doing the 3 steps above, you can produce good product photos in your online store and can attract potential buyers.

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