JAKARTA - The robot from the California Institute of Technology (CalTech), named after Leonardo (Leo) can do all kinds of amazing things, from walking, balancing on a rope, flying and even skateboarding.

This lightweight bipedal robot that stands upright is easy to wobble, but researchers from CalTech have found a unique solution to balance problems and difficult terrain navigation.

The Leo, or LEgs ONboard drOne, is still in the prototype stage but is already helping advance knowledge of hybrid movement. Today, the robots already have legs so they can handle different types of terrain while minimizing energy use, which limits range and supports flight systems or drones.

Citing ScreenRant, Friday, October 8, with a height of 0.8 meters, Leo walks with thin three-jointed legs. Excellent balance skills come thanks to the four drone-like propellers on its shoulders. Not only do these propellers help improve their position, they also allow Leo to jump high, explore rough terrain, stairs, and other obstacles.

This mixed movement system gives Leo several advantages over just one move. Its thrusters provide better balance than a two-legged robot. Leo's own feet take the pressure off the propellers from some of the weight.

Besides, Leos have come a long way in the two years since they were first introduced. This robot has passed tests in the lab that include walking and flying outside, and has picked up two new tricks that demonstrate its highly agile skills.

The research team also tested the robot by walking on a rope without falling, and Leo was even able to swing a skateboard through a series of traffic-blocking triangles. This task, of course, is difficult if done by humans, let alone ordinary robots.

According to the researchers, Leos can become more agile. Future versions will have stiffer legs, more powerful propellers and smarter algorithms to help it navigate, walk, fly and land more efficiently.

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