JAKARTA - Pinterest will launch a new feature for brands to promote products and ideas to users. According to the digital pinboard company on Wednesday, September 6, the venture is part of an effort to grow online shopping on its website.

The features come as social media rivals including Facebook, TikTok and Snap Inc compete for the lucrative e-commerce market with in-app shopping or virtual clothing trials.

Brands can now upload their product catalogs and Pinterest will automatically pull items into slideshow ads that will be tailored to users based on their interests, the company said.

“This feature will make it easier for advertisers to have video ads, which can take a long time to produce. We wanted to encourage the attention-grabbing aspect of the video," said Julie Towns, head of global advertising product marketing at Pinterest.

“Even as other tech giants enter e-commerce, Pinterest's advantage is that users come to the app with a shopping mindset and to "plan for their future," said Jon Kaplan, Pinterest's chief revenue officer.

The site has become widely recognized as a place where users can save ideas for topics such as weddings, home decor, or recipes.

Pinterest will also introduce ad formats to facilitate companies and content creators working together in paid partnerships. For example, a content creator can post a video about a dessert recipe, and a pastry brand can pay to promote the ad to more users.

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