JAKARTA - Being a musician is much more than just playing notes on a musical instrument. Learning to choose the right instrument and starting to make music can be a life-changing experience for many.
But to create a piece of music must be supported with equipment and equipment that can improve your skills or record your song. However, it does require a little cost that is not small.
Do not worry, if you are an iPhone user, there are many applications that can replace your music equipment without sacrificing quality. Check out seven iPhone applications for aspiring musicians and professionals, as quoted by VOI from MakeUsOf, Saturday, October 2.
1. GarageBand
Bringing the power of DAW to your iPhone or iPad, this app is built for beginners and professionals alike. Featuring a variety of features, GarageBand has something for musicians of every genre. From electronic music to country and blues, you can turn your song ideas into something ready to share.
Garageband gives you the option of using traditional (virtual) instruments to produce your next single, or recording via live drum loops. With dozens of amps and pedals, you can get guitar pedal power right from your iOS device and record riffs. There are also drums and synth effects, which are great for electronic musicians.
For those who want to do a little more with GarageBand, there are additional sound packs, song libraries, and instruments you can purchase to perfect your songs. GarageBand also exports to Apple Logic, a popular production software used in music studios around the world.
2. Pro Metronome
Musicians of all levels and genres can benefit from Metronome. Not only does this app have traditional metronome beats, but it also has options for sensory images like a camera flash or vibration.
Pro Metronome's practice mode makes it easy for you to practice without having to leave your instrument to change settings. You can increase your BPM at a certain point automatically, allowing you to run scales or practice songs faster each day.
3. Reason Compact
This app brings the power of Reason Studios desktop production software to your iOS device. Designed for the iPad, this app has lots of features for beginners to help them learn the basics of DAW. But it also has a lot of features for professionals as you continue to use the app.
This is a great app for anyone who uses Reason as their primary desktop production software, as you can easily export sounds from your phone to your desktop for later editing and refinement. This makes it a great choice for jotting down song ideas on the go.
Reason Studios is also known for its great-sounding synths, many of which are included in the mobile app. Those who use a MIDI keyboard and can connect it to your iPhone or iPad can experience full MIDI keyboard support. Reason Compact also gives you the option to collaborate with other musicians in real-time.
4. EGDR808
Ever wanted to jam but there was no drummer around? The EGDR808 app solves this problem with its powerful drum engine. With a 16-step sequencer, 12 programmable rhythms, and easy auto-fill technology, you can get started in just minutes.
This app is great for practicing your skills or writing songs. One of the best features is that you can connect with other musicians using Ableton Link, so you can share your creations or get inspired.
The sound of this drum machine is vintage '80s and '90s style drums, which makes it perfect for live performances and live jam sessions. However, there are plenty of ways to edit sounds within the app to get creative and come up with unique new beats.
5. Chordify
Well, this one application can create a new song and jam with friends very easily. Chordify is a song database, which contains chord progressions for tons of songs around 2 million. Currently, the database has chords for guitar, piano, and ukulele.
For those looking to expand their expertise, there's a curated library of content and the ability to view trending songs. Chordify also integrates with YouTube to let you play along with any song of your choosing.
You can also save your favorite songs in the app, so you don't have to go back and look for them later. Maybe you want to save all the songs you've previously studied for reference.
Animated graphics will also appear exclusively for each instrument. This means that no matter what you play, you can see the basics of the chord and where your fingers should be positioned. This is especially helpful if you've never played those chords before.
6. SoundLab
One of the most popular editing apps available on the iPhone, even comparable to those on the desktop, SoundLab has plenty of features to make mixing and mastering your songs easy.
One of the distinguishing features of this app is the use of AI, which separates vocals from instruments in almost every song. This feature is adored by electronic musicians, who use the feature to remix songs. Hip-hop artists can record their own remixes of popular beats without having to rap over previous vocals.
In addition to editing, SoundLab also allows instant recording within the app, so you can record and remix vocals and import them into any other app you use to record.
7. Amuse
Have you created some cool music on your iPhone or iPad that you think is ready to release? Amuse makes this process easy. It is a digital distribution service that simplifies the process of sending your music to Spotify, Apple Music, and other popular streaming platforms.
Even the app is subject to TikTok and YouTube regulations, something not all distributors do. Amuse allows you to keep 100 percent of your royalties and make payments on the same day.
The Amuse app lets you upload songs and have them ready for distribution in minutes. You can upload saved singles or albums from iCloud or Dropbox, and send them on the go from any iOS device. If you have your own record label, you can even split the royalties.
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