JAKARTA – Bookblocks.io as a non-fungible token (NFT) company has collaborated with an organization from New York with the aim of helping women in Afghanistan to gain access to education, given the difficulty of women there after Afghanistan was controlled by the Taliban.

Launching Cointelegraph, as a result of this collaboration, Bookblocks.io plans to launch NFT on October 5. Proceeds from the sale of the NFT will be donated to the Women for Afghan Women organization which focuses on helping Arghanistan women to get an education.

One of the NFT digital art up for auction is an image of a woman's half-face covered in butterfly wings with the quote "nothing is impossible for a persistent woman". The work was inspired by American writer Louisa May Alcott.

History has repeated itself when the Taliban took control of Afghanistan after the United States withdrew all its troops last month. Long before that, the Taliban had taken over Afghanistan in the 1990s. So far the Taliban have only instructed boys and children to return to school.

Afghanistan's Deputy Education Minister Zabihullah Mujahid said only vaguely that the Taliban planned to give women and children access to education "as soon as possible."

"This is a generation that grew up full of hope and (they) dream about their future through educational opportunities," said Naheed Samadi Bahram, head of the US-based Women for Afghan Women. "We are committed to serving Afghan women and girls in Afghanistan and Afghan refugees arriving in the US," he added.

Bookblocks.io itself will donate 100 percent of its NFT sales to Women for Afghan Women, leaving 5 percent for subsequent NFt sales. The NFT company will print 2,200 NFTs as a form of their sympathy for the 2.2 million girls who currently cannot get an education in Afghanistan. The NFT went on sale for 0.025 Ethereum (ETH), or approximately US$75.54.

Afghan women have risked their lives, been persecuted and imprisoned for continuing to protest against the Taliban's refusal to let them go to school. The protest was carried out online and also demonstrated directly in the real world.

Until now, there is only Code to Inspire, an online school that is aimed at providing education to Afghan girls about coding and robotics, although it is sometimes hampered by circumstances.

With the presence of support from the NFT Bookblocks.io company, it is hoped that it can help women's struggle to get access to education as many parties expect.

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