JAKARTA – Due to being blacklisted by the United States and Huawei's movement being restricted in the global business environment, including the ban on cooperation with US technology companies, one of which is Google. Huawei can no longer use various important Google applications such as Google Maps, the Play Store, and also the Android operating system on their devices.

This pressure has forced the Chinese tech giant to have to develop its own ecosystem. Huawei developed its own operating system called HarmonyOS. They also present Petal Search as their search engine. For a navigation application to replace Google Maps, Huawei has provided its device with Petal Maps. In addition, Huawei also has its own application store called Huawei AppGallery.

HarmonyOS will reportedly be available soon for Huawei smartphone users in Indonesia. The implementation time is expected to be carried out in stages over the next six months.

Actually, Huawei users in Indonesia themselves already use the HarmonyOS operating system but only on the Matepad 11. It was the first device to be launched using the HarmonyOS operating system. Because Matepad 11 has been released in Indonesia some time ago.

"Actually, we have released HarmonyOS directly on our latest Matepad 11 device in Indonesia, which we just launched two months ago," said Steven Pongidin as Developer Support Manager for Huawei Device Indonesia.

Steven explained that this was intended to test how far the performance of the operating system was and how much public interest in HarmonyOS was. After that, Huawei will gradually present its latest operating system for a number of devices in the country.

"At the end of this year or early next year, users will be able to enjoy HarmonyOS on smartphones," added Steven.

However, it is not yet known whether HarmonyOS will be able to be enjoyed by users of older versions of Huawei phones or not. Steven could not confirm this because he had to see the time of the release of the cellphone. Huawei also has to analyze how many users of Huawei's old phones are.

"If it's an old device, Huawei will analyze how big the number of users is for this old phone. Need to see if the update that we rollout will be able to reach as many users as possible. Ensure that as many users as possible can enjoy HarmonyOS as soon as possible," he added.

Huawei in Indonesia only targets premium market share. However, there is a possibility that old Huawei phones can enjoy HarmonyOS. Meanwhile, new phones such as the Mate 40 Pro and the P 40 series are sure to enjoy Huawei's latest operating system soon.

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