JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kemenkominfo) and related parties are still investigating the leakage of 91 million data from Tokopedia users. Menkominfo admitted Johnny G Plate this process will take quite a long time.

"This is not an easy process (data breach and leak). Legislation of all legal umbrella regulations already exists. But regarding the Electronic System Implementation (PSE) it certainly needs to be deepened by experts, who study specifically and the cooperation between Kominfo, BSSN and the experts who need a long time, "said Johnny during an online press conference, Monday, July 6.

"Currently (we) are also in the process so we understand why Tokopedia hasn't released the results yet, because the process is ongoing," Johnny added.

Johnny also reminded users to really protect their personal data, by using the One Time Password (OTP) feature in every application on their smartphone. Not only that, he also prohibited the public from easily giving out personal information to other parties.

Meanwhile, when he was asked about the Personal Data Protection Bill or PDP Bill, Johnny again stated that it was still being handled at the Indonesian Parliament, and it was not certain when it would be completed.

"The PDP Bill is currently still in the political process at the DPR RI and I am grateful to the DPR RI for seriously paying attention to it and for having scheduled it to be discussed in a short time with the government," said Johnny.

Last May, 91 million Tokopedia user data was suspected to have leaked in the hacker forum. The data is even sold for 5,000 United States (US) dollars or the equivalent of Rp. 70 million.

However, at this time the data has been distributed and downloaded for free. The data leak contains information in the form of e-mails, full names and cellphone numbers of dozens of Tokopedia users.

When explored further, the link came from one of the Raidforums user accounts named @Cellibis. He has been sharing encrypted data since Friday, 3 July 2020.

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