JAKARTA - The United States Space Agency (NASA) has released a video documenting the movement of the Sun over the past 10 years. This timelapse video shows how the Sun processes the Earth every time.

As quoted by CNET, the video titled 'A Decade of Sun' was uploaded by NASA through its official channel on YouTube. This recording was taken using the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) launched by NASA, since February 11, 2010.

"SDO and other NASA missions will continue to monitor our Sun in the coming years, providing further insight into our place in space and information to keep astronauts and our assets safe," NASA said in its official statement.

In a period of 10 years, NASA astronomers collected 425 million high-resolution images of the Sun taken every 0.75 seconds, from June 2, 2010 to June 1, 2020. Each second of the video represents one day of the giant star's life.

At least 20 million gigabytes of Sun image data in the last 10 years is compact in one hour of video. These impressions show how the movement of the Sun's surface in illuminating the solar system.

Based on these data, astronomers and scientists can investigate how the giant star influences the Solar System. Including an understanding of the extreme phenomena of the solar cycle.

Apart from a good view of the Sun, scientists can also see the movement of the Moon and other stars orbiting around the Sun. There is even one scene that shows extreme ultraviolet wavelengths being released from the sun's outer surface.

Until now, SDO will still record images of solar activity. It aims to help scientists and astronomers understand the solar cycle (solar cycle) and the phenomena that occur around it.

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