YOGYAKARTA - Nowadays, it may be difficult to find someone who doesn't know Google. In fact, there are also some of us who use its services every day. But, are the results you get from the Google search engine satisfactory?

Although Google offers various types of information, often what is displayed is not what is needed. Therefore, Google also always provides technology and algorithm updates on this main service.

It's just that, so that you get the right results, there are several Google search techniques that you can do. Thus, the search for information can run more effectively and efficiently. Want to know what these techniques are? Check out the description below.

Add Parameter On Search

The Google search engine is equipped with an algorithm that ensures high-accuracy matches between keywords and search results. However, to improve the match, you can embed additional parameters.

The addition of this parameter can be done in the form of additional words behind the main search word. Or, you can also add it in the form of words that are in quotation marks. For example, you want to find information about jogging shoes. Not only shoes, which can be interpreted as a general word. Therefore, just type 'jogging shoes' in the search box. Or, you can also type in “jogging shoes”.

Use Advanced Search Options

On the Google search engine, users are given the freedom to organize search results. This setting is found in the Advanced Search Options menu.

To use it, click the gear icon located in the upper right corner of the search results page. Then, click the Advanced Search menu.

In it, you can customize the search results: starting from the number of search results, your location, and Language.

Design More Specific Keywords

After all, the Google search engine is run by algorithms. Therefore, your search results will depend heavily on wording and Language. To get results that match your needs, type as much specific words as possible.

For example, you want to find information about the flag of a particular country. Instead, use the word "What country has a red and white flag?".

Don't just type "What are the red and white flags?". Because for the second, Google's algorithm engine will be difficult to understand.

Well, those are some Google search techniques to make your search results more effective. By doing so, you can also cut more time, right?

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)