JAKARTA - Startup PouchNATION has launched a sensor bracelet capable of monitoring the user's body temperature. This device is useful for people who are worried about their health during the COVID-19 pandemic.
By utilizing Bluetooth technology, the PouchBAND bracelet will automatically record the user's body temperature. Through the application, PouchBAND users can view body temperature data, activities carried out in real-time.
Moreover, recording body temperature before entering a building or public place has become the standard health protocol currently implemented by the government.
"Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we decided to direct the knowledge and resources we have to something we know can help protect lives and build the foundation for a better future," said PouchNATION CEO, Ilya Kravtsov, as written in the release. received by VOI, Thursday, June 25.

According to him, monitoring body temperature is very useful for early detection of COVID-19 transmission. Moreover, based on research results from the World Health Organization (WHO) in China and Europe, 89.1 percent of COVID-19 patients experience fever as the main symptom.
"So adding a body temperature monitor in our wristbands will increase the confidence of participants and organizers when activities and business take place," he said.
Not only serves to monitor the user's body temperature. The PouchBAND bracelet is also equipped with an NFC feature which is useful for digital payments and transactions.
This PouchBAND bracelet is made of flexible polycarbonate silicone and is comfortable to wear. This smart bracelet comes in 3 sizes: small (11 - 16cm), medium (15 - 20cm) and large (18 - 23cm) with various colors.
PouchBAND uses a CR2032 Lithium coin battery that can be claimed to last for months, without the need to be charged. This smart bracelet is also 100 percent dust and water resistant.
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