JAKARTA - Information on the results of the COVID-19 rapid test has circulated that the National Identity Number (NIK) has been compromised by hackers. This news is circulating on RaidForums,

Observer of Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE) Dr. Ronny said the data had to be checked for authenticity first. Because it could be, hackers are just to create hype.

"The leak of COVID-19 test data for Indonesian citizens still has to be proven whether the data is authentic (authentic, red) or fake data (as if the data is authentic, red)," said Ronny, Sunday, June 21.

According to him, the perpetrator's actions can create unrest in society. This is because the confidential data can easily circulate. However, he advised the public not to be careless in saying that the government was negligent because of this incident. This is because it has not been proven whether the data is correct or not.

"It is too early to say that the government was negligent, because it still has to prove the authenticity of the COVID-19 test data which is said to be leaked. So it is better to prove the authenticity of the data first," said Ronny.

On this occasion he said that the government must thoroughly uncover this case. So that people can calm down. He said the perpetrators could be charged under the Law on Electronic Information and Transactions

Minister of Communication and Informatics (Menkominfo) Johnny G Plate previously said that his party would coordinate with the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) to follow up on this case.

Data for the Rapid Test for COVID-19 on the Hacker forum (Aditya / VOI)

"We will trace the news and coordinate with BSSN which is in charge of security and re-cleansing of COVID-19 data. Kominfo will coordinate to evaluate data centers of ministries / other related institutions. Hopefully other data centers are also safe," said Johnny.

Previously, the leak of the COVID-19 rapid test data had been perched on the hacker forum since Thursday, June 18 2020 yesterday. The perpetrator claimed to have 230 thousand data on Indonesian citizens who took the COVID-19 rapid test.

The data that hackers sell with a Database Shopping account consists of fairly complete information. Such as name, age, telephone number, home address, Population Identity Number (NIK), rapid test results, PCR results, to health status. But until now, the data has not been found to be true.

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