JAKARTA – Domestic laptop companies are rumored to be starting to produce Chromebooks in 2021. There are six companies that will work on the laptop device, namely Advan, Zyrex, Axioo, SPC, TSMID, and Evercross.

“Google Chromebooks will be facilitated by six domestic manufacturers in the electronics sector. They are Advan, Axioo, Evercross, SPC, Zyrex and TSM," said Wikan Sakarinto as Director General of Vocational Education at the Ministry of Education and Culture through a virtual conference statement on Tuesday, August 2.

In addition, Wikan also explained that the six manufacturers will produce hundreds of thousands of laptop devices in 2022. In addition, producers are also expected to involve thousands of young Indonesians as their human resources, especially those from vocational school students.

Later the six electronics manufacturers will invite vocational school children in the process of making Chromebooks. This is claimed to be a reciprocal moment between producers and learning-based vocational education with industry and the world of work.

“We hope that it will inspire other industries to collaborate with vocational education. The six electronics manufacturers are expected to be able to create production lines that are integrated with vocational education," said Wikan.

On the other hand, laptop devices are part of the procurement of goods and services initiated by the government. Therefore, the price of the laptop will be adjusted to the e-catalog that has been designed.

The government itself has budgeted a total of IDR 3.7 trillion, which is divided into two sources, the Ministry of Education and Culture itself, worth IDR 1.3 trillion and direct distribution to youth through physical DAK for the purchase of ICT in the country.

The Rp1.3 trillion funding is not only for the procurement of laptops but also for other supports such as access points to speakers. In addition, the physical DAK budget includes the procurement of wireless routers, connectors, printers, projectors and screens as well as other supporting devices.

The production of the Chromebook was responded to by Google Indonesia, Randy Jusuf. According to the Managing Director of Google Indonesia, his party is very pleased to announce that a laptop that uses the Chrome operating system is being worked on by a manufacturer from Indonesia. Randy explained that this is the first time a local manufacturer has made Chromebooks for the domestic market and will be exported abroad.

He also positively welcomed the steps taken by the six electronics manufacturers because they wanted to cooperate with SMK. This is an important decision between electronics manufacturers and the world of education.

"The six local producers will partner with vocational schools to help achieve their ambitious targets, an important step in creating hardware in many schools," said Google Indonesia.

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