YOGYAKARTA – During the pandemic, a number of technology platforms received a surge in users. Especially platforms that provide communication and collaboration services.
Examples are Zoom, which saw an increase in users by thousands of percent in the early days of the pandemic. Meanwhile, for collaboration and teamwork applications, Slack is another option that is also used in many companies.
It's just that, it's no secret that the platform, which was released since 2013, attracts a fairly high fee for its services. Citing the company's official website, the cheapest Slack subscription price is 6.67 US dollars (US) per month for the professional package, 12.50 US dollars for the business package, and the last choice for large-scale enterprise plans.
Indeed, Slack itself provides a free service. Intended for users who want to try this teamwork application service. However, the features that can be accessed are really limited. For example, it cannot be used for video conferencing.
So, when the writer found Callin, it was like a breath of fresh air. You see, there are a number of features that can be accessed for free!
We are fortunate that we live in an era of technological convenience. Even though the pandemic strikes and still shows no signs of stopping, technology facilitates various human activities. Productive activities are no exception.
“Basically (Callink service, -ed) like Slack. If someone says something like Disquss, yes, yes. Not everyone in the job is serious. There must be at least someone to make fun of, the rooms are not clear," said Digital Security Indonesia's Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Didik Irawan, when the VOI team met at his office, Yogyakarta, Wednesday, July 28.
Callin application itself is available in various versions. Users can download and install it on Android phones, iPhones, to laptops with Windows, MacOS, or Linux operating systems.
The developer has also added various features that are guaranteed to facilitate office activities during WFH. Such as communication features, creating chat groups, sending documents, video calling and video conferencing, and much more.
The new Callin app was launched earlier this new year. So, only a few users who download it. However, based on the author's trial, this app is worth a try and a replacement for Slack –when the platform can no longer be used for free.
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