This Is A Safe And Fast Way To Log Out Of Social Media Accounts On New Devices
Make sure when using social media on foreign devices, it is safe. (photo: jeremy zero/unspalsh)

JAKARTA – When we log into our social media accounts on a new device that doesn't belong to us, the surefire way to end access on that device, when it's done, is to change the password, so that everything is safe.

But if you don't want to change your password yet, some social media sites also make it easy for you to log out of any session with the click of a button.

How to Log Out of Facebook Remotely

If you're worried that someone else is using your Facebook account, you can log out of your active Facebook session remotely by doing the following:

1. Go to Settings > Security & Login.

2. Under Where You Are Sign In, you will see a list of all instances of where you have logged in to Facebook and when. Information includes location, time, device type, and browser.

3. Click the three-dot button next to the instance you want to delete and click Log out. If you want to log out of all sessions, scroll down to the end of the list (you may have to click See More) and click Log out of all sessions.

Facebook also offers a way to make sure your account is secure. When you click the three-dot button and click Not You, the site will guide you through a series of steps to better secure your account, including changing your password and allowing you to review your recent activity to see if there have been any changes you made. does not recognize.

How to Log Out of LinkedIn Remotely

LinkedIn also makes it easy to see all active and logged out sessions:

1. Click on your profile picture and go to Settings & Privacy.

2. On the first tab that opens, under Login and security, click Change next to Where you're signed in.

3. It will show you all the active sessions of your account. To exit one of these sessions, click Sign Out.

How to Log Out of Pinterest Remotely

Logging out of an active session on Pinterest is also an easy task:

1. Go to Settings and scroll down to Security and click Show sessions.

2. You will see a list of your current and recent sessions listed by location, device and date.

3. To log out of one of these sessions remotely, click End activity.

How to Log Out of Twitter Remotely

Twitter doesn't actually offer any features to log out of your account remotely. On the other hand, if you have problems, you should change your password.

However, you can revoke access to various apps by going to Settings & privacy > Apps and clicking Revoke Access to any apps you no longer want access to your account.

How to Log Out of Instagram Remotely

Instagram also doesn't allow to log out of your account remotely. Instead, you must change your password. You can do this by going to Settings > Passwords. This will send an email to your associated email account with a link to reset your password. (Sometimes it takes a while for the email to appear).

Other Measures to Protect Your Social Media

Apart from ending active sessions remotely, there are many other security measures worth considering including two-factor authentication, getting notifications about unknown activity, revoking access to apps, and checking your social logins.

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