JAKARTA - Many people see video streaming services as entertainment, when doing activities at home. Especially during the coronavirus pandemic, internet network traffic has increased dramatically over the past three months.

Interestingly, it is based on OpenSignal research, regarding the quality of streaming and internet networks from major cities in Indonesia. The city of Sorong is an area with internet network access and the best streaming quality in Indonesia, followed by Ambon and Jayapura.

Even on the island of Java, you can enjoy good quality streaming in Bekasi City. This is actually surprising, because the majority of the population accessing internet services are in big cities such as DKI Jakarta, Bandung or Surabaya.

Responding to the difference in streaming quality, Director General SDPPI of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kominfo), Ismail explained that the internet network in Indonesia has been completely even. Where all operator services can access the internet network in many cities without problems.

"So, the quality is proportional to the number of users, so if the users have different capacities, fewer users will be of higher quality," said Ismail when contacted by VOI, Wednesday, June 3.

According to him, the difference in the quality of streaming services occurs because of the number of users in one area. So that if more and more users do data-hungry video streaming activities, the network capacity will be depressed so that it can reduce quality.

Ismail likened that the internet network is like a pipe that carries water when a few channels have to be flowed, the internet network will flow swiftly. However, if there are many channels, the less flowing water will be received by its users.

"We have just finished building the Palapa Ring in Papua and Maluku there, so the network (network) is already available optically as well, and there are not as many users as in Java and Jakarta," said Ismail.

OpenSignal research results (OpenSignal)

He also explained how Palapa Ring has succeeded in connecting an evenly distributed internet connection throughout Indonesia. Regarding the increase in network capacity, according to Ismail, this must be done immediately, because to avoid a continuous decline in internet services,

"This must be added continuously (network addition) but if the optical network is added, it is not the cable that is added but the electronic devices are only in their capacity. Physically the cable is fixed, only the electronic devices that generate the signal are added, including the operator also plays a role," explained Ismail.

Questioning the differences in telecommunications networks, Ismail said that each operator has its own plans. So that when operators feel that their service quality is inadequate, telecommunications operators will increase their network capacity, of course under the supervision of Kominfo.

Others, Kominfo also always finds complaints from the public regarding the quality of internet networks throughout Indonesia, later the data will be evaluated every year and will be followed up with telecommunications operators.

"So the report is annual, if there is an evaluation result that shows a decrease in quality, we will ask for additional capacity from the operator," explained Ismail.

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