JAKARTA - It must be admitted that Indonesia is often underestimated when it comes to the development of communication technology circulating in the world today. This fact also makes people use more foreign-made communication applications, such as Whatsapp or Telegram.
In fact, from within the country, various applications for short messages, voice messages, video and direct personal or group communication have emerged which are also sophisticated. One of them is Callin, which has now entered version 2.0.2. Although not as famous as WA, or Telegram, but if you see the sophistication behind its features, then this application is ready to challenge the Bic Tech production application.
Callink can be downloaded easily on the Google Play Store and Apple Store. Even users have given very good reviews, because this application has 4.9 stars out of a maximum of 5 stars. This application has also been downloaded by many people, making it possible to be a substitute for other communication applications if it gets strong support from the government and the Indonesian people themselves.
The features available on Callin are very similar to Whatsapp and Telegram. These features become the "standard" for communication applications in the world. Starting from private messages, messages in groups, direct conversations, video calls and much more.

But Callin also has an advantage in terms of saving favorite messages. This favorite feature can include and save private conversations in certain folders or Groupings. This feature is very important considering that users are often looking for some important conversations with other users which should be easy to get to. In WA or Telegram messages, sometimes you have to look for them manually, and that is very tiring.
In essence, Callin is an instant and complete messaging application made by the nation's children. Not only accommodating short messages in the style of WhatsApp and Telegram, this application has a number of advantages, including ease of communication in team work.
Calllink allows users to store and access all messages and work items in the form of files in one platform. This service also allows Calllink users to interact with each other easily.
"All Your Work In One Chat Application. Calllink was created to accommodate the needs of professional users who need messaging applications, as well as Office services that can be easily collaborated with," said Callin's developer, Didik to VOI.
Didik explained that Callin's features could be a plus for users. Calllink also allows its users to send messages to each other in private or open to public options. "Not just a messaging application, Callin also supports cloud storage that can be accessed by users up to 1 GB," said Didik.
Meanwhile, the quality of voice and video calls is also very good, and the picture is clear. Like modern messaging applications, Callin also supports video call and teleconference functions. The use of this feature is very important during the current pandemic.
"Callink provides instant video recording and voice call features with better quality," said Didik. If, WhatsApp Group Call can only be used for a maximum of eight users simultaneously and is limited to less than an hour, then Callin is much more powerful.
Callin is confident that it will be able to fulfill the communication and social media application market in Indonesia. Moreover, the latest survey states that out of a total of 274.9 million people in Indonesia, 170 million of them have used social media.
The penetration rate of social media has reached around 1.8 percent. It is even estimated that active users of social media in Indonesia will grow by 10 million or around 6.3 percent compared to January 2020.
Callin, with capabilities as great as WA and Telegram, should be able to fill the available market niches in the country. This prospect makes Calllink this year will do a massive expansion while promoting this application as a communication application that is sophisticated, secure and of course made locally that is ready to go worldwide.
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