JAKARTA – After it was reported that John McAfee died by hanging himself in a Spanish prison some time ago, many people believe that the mystery of McAfee's death has not been revealed, and some even believe in the Dead Man's Switch theory.

For information Dead Man's Switch is a theory that says that after someone's death there is a switch that is activated to complete the tasks of dead human operators.

El Pais, the first Spanish media outlet to report on the deaths, said "everything leads to suicide." Before it was reported that McAfee had hanged himself, Spain's top court had supported the US government's decision to extradite Jon McAfee from a Spanish prison to the US.

When the founder of the McAfee antivirus was reported to have died, his Instagram account posted the letter Q. This raised various questions from the public and was allegedly part of Q Anon's theory. McAfee once said that the "Q" post on his Instagram account had been deleted. However, after his death, the post reappeared.

Launching Bitcoin.com News, a theory that spreads in various circles says that McAfee has some evidence against the US government and global bureaucrats.

On October 15, 2020, McAfee once tweeted on his Twitter account in a bright tone while he was in a Spanish prison. McAfee said he was happy and had friends in a Spanish prison.

“I am satisfied here. I have a friend. The food is delicious. Everything is alright. Know that if I hang myself, ala Epstein, it's not my fault."

This contradicts his Twitter tweet a few weeks ago before his death. Where the tweet has a gloomy tone. McAfee's death is also linked to Epstein's theory.

Jeffrey Epstein is a convicted sex offender who is made to pretend to commit suicide to escape his New York prison sentence. An hour after news of McAfee's death spread on the internet, McAfee's official Instagram uploaded a letter "Q".

McAfee once admitted that his official Instagram account was not operated by himself but by “the trolls who framed me for years.”

However, the post "Q" made the public wonder what the post meant. Now John McAfee's Instagram account has been deleted after the "Q" post.

The letter "Q" refers to the group Q Anon, an organization that believes that the world is controlled by a "deep state". A number of Q Anon members revealed that the image of the post contained metadata that led to "31 more Terabytes of data" containing a number of crimes committed by the US government, CIA and two Bahamas officials, as reported by Bitcoin.com News.

In addition, a number of mysteries surround the crypto token that McAfee often promoted before he was arrested. The token is built on top of the Ethereum network. Some people believe the Instagram metadata in the "Q" post points to a smart contract called "Epstein" which leads to the ERC20 token "whackd (WHACKD). The crypto token is believed to be directly connected to John McAfee.

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