Elon Musk Seeks Volunteer For Anyone Who Wants To Live On Mars
Elon Musk will bring humans to Mars (Tech Crunch)

JAKARTA - Tesla and SpaceX boss Elon Musk revealed his plan to invite humans to live on Mars. He was also outspoken about the huge risks that the first human colony on the Red Planet had to face.

Musk has a vision of humans becoming a multi-planet species to avoid mass extinction. He conveyed the plan in an interview with Peter Diamandis, the founder of Xprize on Wednesday 28 April.

“This trip is uncomfortable. It's been a long journey. You may not come back alive. We will not send anyone away. Just volunteer, "Musk said as quoted by CNBC International.

Technoking of Tesla is realizing its biggest vision, which is to make Mars a habitable place for humans in the future. He will carry humans on a spacecraft made by SpaceX, Starship.

Attempting to colonize Mars would be a dangerous endeavor for humans to go there. Even so, the son of Maye Musk firmly believes that humans should be able to live on the planet Mars. He reasoned that one day the Earth that humans live on will become increasingly damaged.

Elon Musk is planning to live on Mars. However, he will not be part of the first generation to live on that Red Planet. The initial mission group to be sent to Mars are volunteers.

"Men who desire a perilous journey, small rewards, chill, long months and in complete darkness, constant danger, doubtful safe return, honor and recognition if successful."

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