JAKARTA Not long ago, TikTok introduced STEM feeds for teens and their users who love knowledge about science. The launch of this new feed has received support from many parties.

After the Ministry of Communication and Digital Affairs (Komdigi) stated that they support the opening of the educational space, now Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (PMK) Pratikno also appreciates these efforts.

In an event entitled Opening with Science: Learning and Innovation with the TikTok STEM Feed, Pratikno stated that the presence of STEM feeds in Indonesia will encourage access to higher quality education.

In addition, the expansion of this feed is very much needed for children to adolescents. Underage TikTok users can access content that is more educational without limited distance. In fact, people in remote areas can also get equivalent educational content.

Pratikno also highlighted the importance of collaboration between governments, content creators, and digital platforms in developing this feed. That way, TikTok can build a healthy and safe digital space for anyone, especially minors.

The STEM feed is a special page for accessing content related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The feed came to the US last year to increase the interest of its users in learning new things.

The public's interest seems to be increasing with this new feed so that TikTok expands it to other countries, including Indonesia. Although built-in for minors, users aged 18 years and over can also access the feed.

Even though it has been inaugurated, this feed has not been expanded in Indonesia. This feed can only be accessed by part of the account as a trial stage until an undetermined time. We still need to wait until the feed is widely available.

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