YOGYAKARTA - THR transfers are getting easier, cheaper, and more practical with the DANA application. However, how to transfer the Lebaran THR to fellow Fund users without being charged?

DANA offers convenience for users in transferring funds, both to bank accounts and cell phone numbers. Each user has a quota of 10 times the free transfer every month.

In addition, the balance of funds can be stored in the form of electronic money, providing flexibility in financial management.

Reporting from its official website, to send THR to fellow DANA users via phone number, you can start with the following steps:

Then for users who have increased their account to Premium DANA, the features available will be more complete. They can easily fill in the balance and transfer to a bank account or cell phone number.

The autodebit feature of the debit card registered in the application can also be utilized. In general, there are two main methods for transferring through the DANA application:

The process is similar to the transfer from the debit card, but after entering the amount of money, you can directly enter the DANA PIN and wait for the transfer process to be completed.

Meanwhile, there are several ways to fill in your DANA balance, by transferring the bank as one of the most common and easy methods.

If you choose a bank transfer, you can do it via ATM, mobile banking, or internet banking.

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