JAKARTA - The Arena of Valor (AOV) announced its collaboration with Ju Way Kaisen by presenting new special characters and events. Starting March 20, 2025, players will see Megumi Fushiguro and Nobara Kugisaki on the battlefield.

In addition, players can also get an exclusive gift in the form of Krizzix's 'Cursed Corpse' for free and various prizes with the theme Ju way Kaisen others by completing a special mission throughout this event period.

Seperti kolaborasi AOV X Ju Total Kaisen edisi pertama, dalam kolaborasi kali ini pemain juga bisa menggunakan teknik dan skill khusus karakter dari serial anime populer ini.

Players can release Megumi's Ten Shadows Technique and Nobara's Straw Doll Technique to beat opponents with iconic movements according to their original anime. These two special characters and skills can be played using Paine and Violet.

With the technique of Megumi's Ten Shadows, the AOV battleground will be even fierce because Megumi Fushiguro can present typical spiritual creatures Ju way Kaisen (Shikigami), namely the Divine Dog (TwinSHIP) and Nue (Shikigami wing).

On the other hand, Nobara Kugisaki's Straw Doll technique will also provide a stunning battle by presenting the legendary Resonance Explosions and Black Flash results so that players can release attacks on opponents accurately and deadlyly.

Tidak lupa, pemain juga akan merasakan atmosphere Ju Total Kaisen yang semakin lengkap dengan kehadiran Map kolaborasi khusus dan adegan iconik dari Jumen Kaisen juga akan hadir di lobby dan ketika match making.

AOV will also present play buttons, battle effects and special exclusive frames with the theme of Ju Cara Kaisen for players during the collaboration period, namely March 20 - April 19, 2025.

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