JAKARTA Apple has finally been freed from coercion in sideloading applications in Brazil. That way, the tech giant does not need to allow third-party application downloads within 90 days.

In November, the antitrust regulator in Brazil ruled that Apple should distribute applications outside of the Brazilian App Store. This decision was made after Apple faced Epic Games in an open session.

The regulator named Cade urged Apple to allow sideloads within 90 days. According to Cade, Apple's sideload restrictions could harm new competitors. This decision is also based on Apple's policies in the European Union.

The company was forced to open a sideload by the European Commission. Despite having filed an appeal, Apple complied with the policy in the end. However, in Brazil's local newspaper, Apple no longer needs to comply with Cade's decision.

Quoting from 9to5mac, a federal civil court judge in Brazil ruled that Apple could distribute iOS applications as before and stick to sideload systems. This means that developers cannot use platforms other than the App Store.

The court took sides with Apple after the company filed an appeal. According to Apple, Cade's decision threatens the privacy and security of iOS users. Fortunately, the judge felt that Cade's decision was not urgent and unnecessary.

Despite escaping Cade's decision, this victory is not permanent. Brazilian regulators can still appeal against the decision and Apple may face other legal challenges in the future.

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