JAKARTA ALTO Network, a Payment System Infrastructure Operator Company (PIP), directly supports the QRIS Tap payment system based on Near Field Communication (NFC) on the MRT.
This innovation was initiated by Bank Indonesia and was inaugurated on March 14 at the MRT HI Roundabout. In this innovation, ALTO played an active role in cooperating with two payment solution providers, namely Netzme as a acquisitioner and ShopeePay as an issuer.
As part of the campaign to use QRIS Tap NFC, the Bazaar Threadmark event was held on March 13 and ended on March 16. During the event, the public was invited directly to experience the experience of using this technology.
QRIS Tap NFC is a payment method that is considered more efficient, even payment systems like this have been implemented in many countries. Users no longer need to show or scan QR because payments can be made with a tap system.
Simply put, users only need to paste NFC parts on their phones into soundbox devices from merchants. With this convenience, ALTO believes that NFC's QRIS Tap could accelerate the adoption of digital transactions across the transportation sector.
Stop Griselda, CEO of ALTO Network, said that the support for Bank Indonesia's innovation was a form of their optimism. ALTO wants to accelerate the achievement of the QRIS Tap NFC transaction target of up to 6.5 billion this year, covering 58 million users and 49 million merchants.
"In addition to accelerating domestic adoption, Bank Indonesia is also targeting the expansion of QRIS into the international market. ALTO, Netzme, and ShopeePay collaborations will strengthen a digital payment ecosystem that is more inclusive, fast, easy, safe, and efficient," explainedUS.
ola juga mengungkapkan bahwa 12 institusi lainnya akan bergabung dengan metode pembayaran QRIS Tap NFC ini, termasuk bank, bank digital, lembaga keuangan. ALTO akan terus menjaga keamanan dan kedatalan dari setiap transaksi penggunanya.
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