JAKARTA On WhatsApp beta version for Android devices, it is revealed that WhatsApp will add fields for Instagram links. This feature will also be added to WhatsApp iOS.
Based on WABetaInfo's findings, the platform is testing the Instagram profile link column in the iOS special application. This feature can be seen in TestFlight in version It is not known for sure when this feature will be launched in a stable version.
Instagram profile links are a feature needed by many users, especially users who do business using the WhatsApp platform. With this feature, users do not need to promote Instagram links in the chat room.
They only need to add an Instagram account link to the profile section. Profile links are not only provided for personal accounts, but also for communities. That way, users can easily visit community Instagram accounts.
Interestingly, users can control the security of the link. Instagram profile link column will not be displayed to all users if the user objected. Users can set who can see the link.
Just like setting the status, users can add the link only to My contacts, My contacts Except ..., Not Anyone, or to Everyone. This feature is also optional so that users can enter their account link or not.
Keep in mind that not all tested features will be launched by WhatsApp. Sometimes, some features take a long time to release or even WhatsApp won't launch its features at all.
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