JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta officially enforces Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB). This rule will be in effect for the next 14 days and ends on 23 April 2020.
In order to support this policy, ride-hailing companies such as Gojek and Grab have temporarily eliminated their passenger transportation services in the Jakarta area. As a result, Gojek and Grab application users cannot order motorcycle taxis online, except for food delivery services.
"We comply with the DKI Jakarta government's decision regarding the implementation of the PSBB and we hope that this step can prevent the spread of COVID-19," said Gojek's Chief of Corporate Affairs, Nila Marita in his official statement, Friday, April 10.
Regarding the PSBB policy in Jakarta, Gojek removed the GoRide feature for passenger shuttle services. Even though the GoRide icon is still available on the Gojek application, users cannot order it and it says 'GoRide has not arrived in Your Area'.
"Four-wheeled transportation services GoCar and GoBlueBird are still available with a maximum number of passengers of 2 people so that physical distancing can be maintained," he continued.
In addition, GoFood food delivery services, GoMed telemedicine and drug delivery services, as well as GoSend, GoMart, GoShop and GoBox goods delivery services are still operating to serve the public during the PSBB period. "People can use this service without direct physical contact (contactless delivery)," added Nila.
Meanwhile, when opening the Grab application, the GrabBike service is still available. But when ordering, Grab immediately diverts it to the GrabCar service. This applies to all pick-up and drop-off points in the Jakarta area.
For Grab application users outside the Jakarta area, such as Tangerang, Depok, and Bekasi, they can still use the GrabBike service. It's just that the GrabBike option will change automatically to the GrabCar option if the user enters the destination address in Jakarta.
"We have temporarily disabled the GrabBike service in DKI Jakarta to support the established PSBB. Since the beginning we have coordinated intensively with the Central government and the DKI Jakarta Provincial government to allow our customers to continue using the GrabBike service," said the Managing Director of Grab Indonesia, Neneng Goenadi.
In the PSBB Pergub announced by the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, online motorcycle taxis are no longer allowed to carry passengers. This is related to the imposition of transportation restrictions during the COVID-19 emergency response period.
"As for two-wheeled vehicles as a delivery service, yesterday an online motorcycle taxi was conveyed we will facilitate it to be able to transport people and goods, yesterday in talks with the Ministry of Transportation, we have the view to be allowed," explained Anies.
Meanwhile, according to Dirlantas Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Sambodo Purnomo, private motorbike riders and online motorcycle taxis are not allowed to ride together during the PSBB. The police will also provide sanctions according to the Health Quarantine Law and the Criminal Code for motorists who violate it.
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