JAKARTA - A number of steps have been taken to break the chain of COVID-19. The Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kemkominfo) also invited the public, community, academics, businessmen and the media to support the rapid handling of the impact of COVID-19.

"We are making good use of the pentahelix network of cooperation. Because breaking the chain of the spread of COVID-19 cannot be done individually. It must be collaborative and systematic. Therefore, we collaborate with related Ministries or Institutions as well as the Regional Government. Then also with the community, academics, and the business world and the media, "said Minister of Communication and Information Johnny G Plate via video conference.

Minister Johnny stated that all information will be distributed to all networks, be it social media, mainstream media or conventional media. Not only that, he also said that Kominfo had identified 1,096 hoax issues related to COVID-19.

"Until now, there have been a total of 1,096 hoax issues related to COVID-19 that have spread on the Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube platforms. A total of 359 content have been prosecuted by taking down, while 737 content is in the process of being followed up. There are also cases that have already been taken. Police handled approximately 77 hoax cases, "said Johnny.

Recently, Kominfo has also launched the PeduliL Protect application. This monitoring application is useful for protecting users in areas prone to COVID-19 infection.

Although only available on the Android Play Store, Komfinfo plans to market this application to iPhone users. Johnny also plans to negotiate with Apple so he can release the application on the App Store page.

"We are also communicating with Apple to ask for iOS technology so that the App Store will provide immediate access to the installation of PeduliL Protect for free," said Johnny who hopes the monitoring area of the COVID-19 zone can be evenly distributed and can be utilized by the community.

"So monitoring or movement of both patients or those who have been infected or who are under monitoring or OTG can be monitored online so that the virus can be seen from the patient data that has been registered in the system," explained Johnny.

Kominfo's Care Application (Aditya Fajar / VOI)

On the other hand, Kominfo ensures that internet services for the public can be guaranteed. Johnny said that currently internet bandwidth traffic is still on a safe scale to support community activities while at home.

"The main task of Kominfo together with cellular operators is to ensure the availability and readiness of all telecommunication networks, both fixed broadband and mobile broadband. Until now, all officers carry out all their functions, be it operation and maintenance, or other activities so that the availability of telecommunication network infrastructure. we are well preserved against COVID-19, "said Johnny.

According to Kominfo's records, since the call to work and study from home, there has been a maximum increase in internet traffic of up to 30 to 40 percent. Generally, spikes in internet bandwidth load, often occur during Eid al-Fitr and other national holidays. However, this figure is still within the capacity of cellular operators.

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