JAKARTA Hacking does not only happen on computers, but also on mobile devices such as cell phones. With the current state of technology, hackers are trying to steal data from the phones of their victims.

Unfortunately, attempts to hack on your phone are not very visible if you don't know the signs. In fact, if you pay clear attention, you can immediately find out about unauthorized access. Here are some signs that your phone is being hacked.

The Presence of Foreign Apps

The first signatures that are most easily recognized are the presence of strange or foreign applications. If you feel you've never downloaded the app, you don't need to panic. It's possible that the app appears because of bloatware.

Bloatware is an application that is installed because of the cooperation between mobile phone manufacturers and third parties. Downloaded applications should not be dangerous. To find out the security of these foreign applications, you can find detailed information on the internet.

More Drained Battery

Strangely depleted batteries may not happen because of the problem battery, but because your device is being hacked. To ascertain whether this problem arises due to battery life, you can check the health of the battery.

If battery health is fine, but the battery drains as long as you don't use the device, there's an extreme device that may run in the background. Most likely, there's malware or a virus that makes your phone work extra.

Strange Notification

Having too many notifications coming in sometimes makes you lazy to see the notifications one by one, but you still have to check them. There may be strange notifications that you shouldn't have received.

For example, when you don't do anything, you receive an email stating that someone is trying to log into certain social media, email, or apps. If this happens, you should immediately check and take action.

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