JAKARTA Garante, the data protection authority in Italy, decided to block DeepSek's (AI) Artificial Intelligence model. This application is blocked because information on the use of personal data is still lacking.

With the blocking of the AI model made in China, DeepSek cannot be found in Apple and Google app stores, namely the App Store and Google Play Store. This blocking came after Garante asked for information about users' personal data.

Garante wants to know what personal data the chatbot application collects, where the source comes from, what the data is collected for, and what legal basis it needs to be done. Garante also asked if the data was stored in China.

DeepSeek has responded to Garante's request, but it is not known what information was conveyed. However, the information DeepSeek provides seems to make Garante increasingly hesitant about the security of its platform so that the application is blocked.

Citing from a Reuters report, the data protection authority explained that DeepSek gave the company that made DeepSek provide information deemed inadequate. Therefore, they block its services in Italy.

Garante menyadari bahwa keputusan ini memiliki dampak langsung bagi masyarakat setempat. Dengan mereka membuka penyelidikan untuk mencari keamanan DeepSeek secara indalam.

Garante is not the only party to observe DeepSek's security. Recently, cybersecurity company Wiz revealed that sensitive chatbot data had been leaked to the internet accidentally.

There is one million rows of data found without safety and they can see a history of free DeepSek chats from DeepSekusers. Although DeepSek acts quickly by securing its data, this security issue still needs to be explored because DeepSek's number of users continues to increase significantly.

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