JAKARTA When introducing his latest Galaxy series, Samsung tried to highlight the experience of Artificial Intelligence (AI) which felt smoother. Unfortunately, this sophistication was not felt in Bixby's assistant.
Before the Galaxy S25 Series was launched, more sophisticated rumors about Bixby with AI support emerged. There are allegations that Bixby will experience many changes so that this virtual assistant is able to compete with Google Assistant or even Gemini.
However, the opposite is true. Gemini is increasingly highlighted on this latest device, even being used as default assistant. If the user presses the side button, Gemini will appear with a small message box at the bottom so that users can give the command.
In addition to using physical buttons, Galaxy S25 Series users can also activate Gemini by using sound. There are many commands that can be submitted directly, starting from asking about an image or video, asking for objects with Gemini Live, and others.
Gemini Presents A More Sophisticated Feature
When compared to Bixby, Gemini is certainly far superior. This AI model has even replaced the position of Google Assistant on a number of phones thanks to AI support. As a big language model (LLM), Gemini supports smoother interactions.
If users want to hear songs on music streaming platforms, they can immediately mention the song or title. This AI assistant can also summarize content on YouTube, summarize files, analyze content and data, and create content.
If Samsung continues to make Bixby the default assistant, the Galaxy S25 Series may experience setbacks. Samsung will not be able to highlight more natural AI technology because Bixby has not been able to carry out Gemini's orders.
Bixby Not Completely Lost
Although Bixby looks missing from the Galaxy S25 Series because Gemini is more prominent, the assistant developed by Samsung can still be used. However, users have to look for Bixby more extra than by calling Gemini.
To reinstall Bixby as the mobile default assistant, users must go to Settings first and look for the feature. After that activate Bixby and the virtual assistant will replace Gemini.
It should be noted that using Bixby by default will lower the performance of the Galaxy S25 Series. Users cannot access information faster because they have to manually open Gemini and users also cannot ask for an object by shooting it directly.
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