JAKARTA - Arc System Works has announced the release date of the character DLC Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising next, Sandalphon, which will be released on February 26.
The character DLC Sandalphon, who is over 2000 years old, will be present as an independent character or as part of Character Pass 2 at a price of 7.99 US dollars or around Rp129 thousand.
Cygames issuer and developer Arc System Works also plan to release additional characters in Character Pass 2 in spring, summer, fall 2025, and early 2026.
Launching GamingBolt, as the Primary of Promises, he has tremendous strength although most of them will fight with one-hand swords. This includes attacks of elementary projectiles, from direct fire shots to ground nails.
Some of its wings will also play a role. But its function is not entirely clear. These wings may be able to provide additional capabilities or only appear when using Super Skybound Art.
Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising has been available since December 14, 2023 to play via PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and PC via Steam.
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