JAKARTA - While playing on social media, we often feel disturbed by the comments of several accounts, which hurt feelings or were harassing.

TikTok is the social media with the most users. Launching data from Oberlo, citing CNBC the number of TikTok users in Indonesia as of 2024 is 157.6 million.

But fortunately, you have the ability to limit malicious comments from those accounts very easily, by blocking them.

On TikTok, you can block users in three ways. First, through the user profile in the TikTok app, via the TikTok website, or block more than one account simultaneously through the comments column.

To block users on TikTok, follow the following steps:

Through user profiles in the TikTok application:

Through the TikTok seb site:

Blocking multiple users at once:

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