YOGYAKARTA Some of us may have experienced a headset on our cellphone not disappearing even though it has been removed. This can disturb comfort, because the sound coming out of the audio sounds down or even the phone speaker doesn't make any sound at all. If you experience it, you don't need to worry. Because, how to remove the headset mode on your cellphone is very easy to implement. Come on, see the explanation in the review below.

Compiled from various sources, the following is how to remove headset mode on your cellphone which you can easily practice on your own:

The easiest way to remove headset mode on a cellphone is to unlink the headset. The reason is, the error with the cellphone can be the main cause of the headset sign still appearing on the HP screen.

To do so, follow the following tutorials:

If nothing changes, you can try how to remove headset mode on another cellphone.

Cara menghilangkan mode headset di HP yang satu ini hanya berlaku untuk smartphone berbasis Android. Berikut panduan menjalankan speaker test di ponsel Android:

Restarting or restarting your phone can also be a solution to eliminate headset mode on your cellphone. These tips can detect bugs in the device you are using.

The presence of a bug can make the phone system an error, one of the signs is that the headset mode does not disappear even though it has been removed.

By restarting your cellphone, the device you are using will be restarted, so that the bug disappears.

Another way you can try is to use the Headset Toggle application which can be downloaded via the Google Play Store. This application can disable headset mode and restore speakers to normal mode.

To do so, follow the following steps:

If the headset icon has disappeared but the sound does not come out of the speaker, this could be a sign of problems with the device you are using.

Just like before, you can also download the Lesser Audio Switch application on the Google Play Store.

If you have installed this application on the device, take the following steps to remove the headset mode on your cellphone:

That's the information on how to remove headset mode on your cellphone. Get other selected news updates only on VOI.ID.

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