JAKARTA - Apple CEO Tim Cook earned a total revenue of US$74.6 million (Rp1.2 trillion) in 2024, an increase compared to 63.2 million US dollars earned in 2023. This is known, according to an annual report filed by Apple.

There is also a Cook compensation package consisting of:

Cook is required by Apple to use private aircraft for business and personal travel. Cook's compensation exceeded the compensation target set by Apple which amounted to IDR 962,700,000,000. However, this result was achieved thanks to cash incentives received by executives when Apple performed well financially.

Although Cook's revenue in 2024 is higher than in 2023, this amount is still lower than the 99 million US dollars (Rp1.6 trillion.) he received in 2022. After Cook's revenue reached nearly 100 million in 2022 (Rp1.63 trillion) Cook together with the Board of Directors decided to reduce his total compensation.

Apart from Tim Cook, several other Apple executives also received significant compensation, including:

The compensation received by the executives, collectively, is IDR 27,200,000,000,000 in 2024.

With this enormous compensation, Tim Cook remains one of the highest paid executives in the world of technology.

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