JAKARTA Palo Alto shared predictions of cybersecurity trends in 2025. The prediction of this trend is made so that cyber practitioners from various companies or organizations can face cyber challenges very well.

Simon Green, President of Asia Pacific and Japan at Palo Alto Networks, said that cybersecurity challenges will be quite diverse in the next twelve months due to increasingly sophisticated Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology.

"The Asia Pacific region will face AI-based cyber threat storms that are increasing on scale, sophistication, and impact," Green said. "Now the organization needs to switch to an integrated platform and supported by transparent AI technology."

The prediction of the first cybersecurity trend in Palo Alto's report is transparency in AI use. Currently, policymakers in the Asia Pacific region are starting to highlight data protection and cybersecurity implications of the growing use of AI models.

This shows that policymakers are trying to build trust in AI use and encourage AI-based innovation. Later, policymakers in the Asia Pacific region will focus on AI ethics, data protection, and transparency.

The next cybersecurity trend is deepfake. So far, video manipulation technology is used for negative purposes, such as defrauding someone or dropping someone. Deepfakes can also be used for financial gain.

"The use of deepfake audio will also expand in this attack, because existing technology has allowed very convincing sound cloning. We will increasingly see the use of deepfakes as an attack," explained Palo Alto.

The other three trends that are expected to be found in cybersecurity are increasing focus on product integration, cyber infrastructure on one integrated data security platform, and quantum security hype or the latest security mechanism is believed to protect data.

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