JAKARTA Watermark is not only needed for images, but also for important documents. With the watermark, a document will not be misused by irresponsible parties.
Watermark can be added easily through Microsoft Word. If you want to enter a watermark into a document, both privately and company, you can follow the following method.
Open Word documents that have been created. Select the Design tab at the top of the work sheet. Click Watermark on the right side. Select the desired watermark position.
You can choose to use the watermark provided by Microsoft or use a watermark from customization results. If you use Word's built-in, the watermark will read 'Confidential'.
If you want to customize, you can click the Custom Watermark menu in the Watermark drop-down menu. Later, you will see an open setting window.
You can choose the desired language, such as English or Indonesian, then enter the desired word in the Text column. You can enter the name of the group, individual, or company name.
Still in the same window, you can adjust the watermark position like horizontal or vertical, change the font you are using, and change the text size. If it is set according to preferences, click the OK button at the bottom.
The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)