Twitch, The Streaming Platform Where GM Irene Sukandar Vs GothamChess Duel Chess Online
Screenshot of Twitch live streaming video

JAKARTA - Woman Grandmaster (WGM) Irene Sukandar has an online chess match with GothamChess aka Levy Rozman. The online chess duel is broadcast on the Twitch streaming platform.

For some netizens, hearing the Twitch platform may be less familiar than YouTube. But for gamers, Twitch is a popular streaming service for content creators to play online games.

In fact, not infrequently broadcasts of eSport competitions are held live on Twitch. Because this platform made by Amazon makes it very easy for content creators to be able to live stream and interact directly with their viewers.

Twitch was introduced in June 2011 as a spin-off of the streaming platform Content on Twitch can be viewed live or via video on demand (on demand).

As of 2015, Twitch has over 100 million views each month. In fact, since 2017, Twitch has become the most popular video streaming service for gamers compared to YouTube Gaming.

Twitch also provides a profitable business model for its creators. Where streamers (another term for content creators who live stream, -red) can sell subscription or subscriber packages for their fans.

Starting from sending emojis or chat effects that will appear in live streaming video shows so that they are recognized by streamers. This kind of business model benefits content creators to earn extra money.

So it's no wonder that GothamChess chooses to broadcast its online chess duels on Twitch compared to other platforms. The GothamChess vs GM chess duel Irene Sukandar itself can still be watched again on the and channels.

Judging from the Twitch and YouTube streaming platforms, Irene's online chess duel with GothamChess alias Levy Rozman was witnessed by more than 53 thousand netizens. Most of the audience is Indonesian netizens who are curious about Irene's head to head with GothamChess.

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