JAKARTA - Pollution and air pollution are not only bad for the environment. A new finding states, if the size of the human penis continues to shrink due to exposure to high pollution.

This was stated by Shanna H. Swan, an environmental and reproductive epidemiologist from the Icahn School of Medicine in New York, USA. The new findings are written in a journal entitled "Count Down: How Our Modern World Is Threatening Sperm Counts, Altering Male and Female Reproductive Development, and Imperiling the Future of the Human Race."

Launching Mashable, Friday, March 26, in his study, Dr Swan was concerned about air pollution getting out of control. Even chemical substances that pollute the air, have a very negative impact on reproductive functions for the future of mankind.

The concern is based on the findings of chemical phthalates in newborns. The chemical, which is commonly used in the manufacture of plastics, can cause defects in male genitalia.

"As a result of this pollution, more and more babies are being born with smaller penises," wrote Dr Swan.

Swan also observed that male fertility rates have steadily declined over the past four decades. After studying 185 studies involving nearly 45,000 healthy men, Dr Swan and his team concluded that sperm counts among men in Western countries had fallen by 59 percent between 1973 and 2011.

"The chemicals in our environment and unhealthy lifestyle practices in our modern world disrupt our hormonal balance, causing varying degrees of reproductive harm," says Swan.

Not only men, women are also affected by environmental pollution. "In some parts of the world, the average woman in her twenties is currently less fertile than her grandmother when she was 35."

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