JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology admits that it will send a third warning letter (SP 3) to the Telegram instant messaging platform related to online gambling content in it.

According to the Director General of Information and Public Communication of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics Usman Kansong, if Telegram still does not respond to the warning letter, the government will block the application.

"Yes, this is the third (a warning letter), we are waiting for his response. Yes, we have given a third letter, if there is no answer, we will block it," said Usman on Wednesday, June 26 at the Jakarta Ministry of Communications and Informatics office.

This statement was also emphasized by the Deputy Minister of Communication and Information, Nezar Patria, who said that Telegram must comply with the laws in force in Indonesia.

"We are taking steps according to the applicable law. Yes, if we are not obeyed, there will be action from the Kominfo. We cannot silence it, because if we remain silent, we will violate the law," said Nezar to a different place.

However, Nezar did not mention whether Telegram would be officially blocked or not. What is clear is that the government is still waiting for a response from the relevant parties.

"If you don't comply, you will be blocked, if you obey why it must be blocked. Just wait for the playing date (blocked)," he said further.

In mid-June, Director General of Informatics Application Samuel Abrijani Pangerapan admitted that Kominfo had sent a second warning letter to Telegram regarding online gambling.

In fact, the Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Budi Arie Setiadi has asked all Telekomunikasi Services for Internet Access Gate Service or Network Access Point (NAP) to cut off internet communication access allegedly used for online gambling.

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