JAKARTA YouTube Music provides a slight change in the interface view. This change can be seen when users open their YouTube Music albums or playlists via websites. Previously, the album display and playlists on YouTube Music websites were very simple. Users will see album information at the top and buttons to play or save songs. At the bottom there will be a row of songs with the number of playbacks. In the latest version, reported from 9to5google, the display has been adjusted to the layout of two columns that have already been introduced in the YouTube Music application for Android tablets. Song series are placed to the right, whereas album information is on the left. Nothing has changed from the album information shown, but YouTube Music slipped more action buttons below. Users can download songs, save to libraries, play songs, send songs, and others. Meanwhile, there is little change in the performance of the lineup of songs. If previously the number of song playback and the singer is placed parallel to the title of the song, now the number of playback and the singer is at the bottom of the title of the song. Another visible change is the background of the album or playlist. Before being updated, the background is plain and displays only black colors. Now, the background looks more lively as it uses customized gradation colors. This redesign for album views and playlists is being rolled out to the entire YouTube Music website. If the display hasn't changed, you can close the web application or its tab and recharge the YouTube Music page.

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