JAKARTA - Bitpanda, a crypto broker based in Vienna, Austria, has taken significant steps by expanding its strategic cooperation with Deutsche Bank. This collaboration aims to implement innovative real-time payment solutions for users in Germany, marking a new era in the integration of traditional financial services with blockchain technology.

According to CryptoPotato information, Bitpanda now has access to German IBAN accounts, enabling smoother and more efficient deposit and withdrawal processes. IBAN, or International Bank Account Number, is an international standard that facilitates the identification of cross-border bank accounts, facilitating international transactions and payments.

This integration is part of Bitpanda's efforts to adapt its services to local market needs and strengthen its position as Europe's leading digital asset trading platform. With the support of Deutsche Bank as the main bank for cross-currency transactions in Austria and Spain, Bitpanda has further solidified its steps in the digital financial ecosystem.

Deutsche Bank, which has long been known as a leading financial institution, has not remained silent in the face of a wave of crypto innovations. The bank has expanded its participation in the crypto sector by applying for a digital asset custodian license in June 2023, and partnered with Taurus, a Swiss crypto infrastructure company, to launch a crypto asset custodian solution.


Strategic Partnerships With Big Financial Institutions

Bitpanda, which has been actively collaborating with major financial institutions, including Landesbank Baden-W\"urttemberg (LBBW) and Raiffeisenlandsbank Nieder\"osterreich-Wien (RLB N]-Wien), continues to strengthen its position in the European digital asset market. This partnership opens up opportunities for wider adoption of crypto technology among traditional financial institutions.

The collaboration between Bitpanda and Deutsche Bank shows how conventional crypto companies and banks can work together to create faster, safer, and reliable financial solutions. This is an important step for significant progress in the integration between the traditional financial world and the crypto revolution.

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