Steps To Disinfect Smartphones To Avoid The COVID-19 Virus
Smartphone illustration (Pixabay)

JAKARTA - With the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus globally, nowadays people are required to be more concerned about health. Not only do they wash their hands regularly, but many don't know that their smartphones and other devices also carry germs and viruses that stick to them.

Why is this necessary? Because, our smartphone is claimed to be a hotbed of all existing bacteria. For this reason, cleaning and disinfection should be carried out regularly.

However, there are procedures for cleaning the cellphone properly and carefully, because if it is not done with the right tools and methods. It could damage your cell phone. Here VOI informs you how to properly clean and disinfect your smartphone.

1. Remove your phone from its case. If it's made of washable materials, such as silicone and hard plastic, soak your case first in warm water and let it air dry.

Note: If your case is made of leather or some other fancy material, try to find a cleaner specifically for your material. Your case maker will likely have cleaning guidelines on their website or in the case box.

2. Use a cotton swab (ear cleaner tool) to gently wipe around the earpiece, speaker, and various ports on your device.

Be careful when wiping the USB-C or Lightning ports so they don't leave lint behind. Do not remove any part in the port. If the cotton swab doesn't fit into your USB-C or Lightning port, use the small brush that came with the phone cleaning kit or a small, soft toothbrush.

3. Next, use a special tissue for cleaning the cellphone screen, if you don't have it you can use ordinary wet wipes, then wipe the screen and the body of the phone. Even though these special cellphone wipes don't have harsh chemicals like Lysol or Clorox wipes, the moisture is still enough to remove the top layer of dirt and germs from your cellphone.

If any scratches remain after using the wet wipes, use a microfiber cloth or a clean, soft kitchen towel to wipe the screen from scratches. Once your phone and case are completely dry, you can use them again.

Note: Do not use household cleaners, solvents and aerosol sprays to clean your gadget, as they can cause discoloration and also damage the phone.

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