YOGYAKARTA - Android phone users are definitely familiar with thumbnail files. Thumbnails function to display image previews of images or files asy. Thumbnail files will be stored separately on certain folders on mobile phones. The existence of this file is complained of by a number of Android users because it takes enough storage space.

Many Android users wonder if thumbnails can be deleted? thumbnail files stored on mobile phones often make full memory. This condition certainly disturbs the convenience of mobile phone users. Users are difficult or limited when they want to save photos, install applications and others.

Some Android users still hesitate to remove thumbnails. However, if it is allowed to continue and increase, the storage space on the phone will run out faster. Let's see if the thumbnail can be removed and how to delete it.

The thumbnail file is used to display original image or photo previews stored on the phone. For example, when a user takes a photo using an Android phone and wants to see the photos. The image that is displayed and you can see is a thumbnail file from the original file that has been saved.

In addition, thumbnail files also work when viewing the preview of several finished image files. Footages from images that you see in camera shots and when editing images on mobile phones, files in thumbnail folders will be created.

The thumbnail file will be stored separately from the original file. Usually this file is stored in a certain folder. This indirectly takes up storage space on the cellphone. The more often users take photos or edit images on their cellphones, the more thumbnail files will also increase and drain memory.

The thumbnail file will be stored in the main DCIM folder which is the storage memory of Android phones. One thumbnail can have the same file size as the original photo or image size. Imagine if there were many thumbnails stored, then you on your phone have many duplicate files that make memory tight.

The number of thumbnail files stored on the phone is enough to spend enough storage space. Especially for Android users whose memory capacity is relatively small, it is certainly very disturbing. Because of this inconvenience, many Andorid users think about removing thumbnails.

It turns out that deleting thumbnails is a safe step. There are no side effects from deleting thumbnails against system performance. Thumbnails can be removed because they are just duplicate files or not the original file.

So you don't have to hesitate to delete thumbnails because this file is only to display image previews. No need to worry about the existence of real photos when deleting thumbnails. Original photos or images remain safe in your phone's storage.

Even Android users are advised to remove thumbnails when the storage space is full. Get rid of thumbnails from DCIM storage is proven to be able to avoid full memory. When the thumbnail is removed, then the storage space can return to its area or capacity is getting looser.

The following are steps to remove thumbnails that users of Android phones need to take:

That's the answer to whether thumbnails can be removed and their steps. Android users can delete thumbnail files without worrying about any errors or problems in the original file. This method can actually return your storage space to large or increase. Also read how to download Instagram reels with audio.

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